The Directorate has embarked on revitalizing the involvement of UNFFE in the integration of our members into various Agriculture Value chains. Currently, the department is in the processing of drafting Articles and memorandum of Associations for the proposed new Agribusiness Company that shall engage directly in various agribusinesses.
  • Partnership with Equity bank to support DFAs & their respective members. Equity Bank has a World Bank funded project targeting small holder farmers. Already, Equity bank has visited Iganga, Bugweri, Bugiri and Luuka DFAs.  The second leg shall target Masindi, Fortpotal, kyenjojo & Luwero DFAs. These DFAs are being assessed for support and possible linkages.
  • Partnership with Maize & Soybean Off-takers. The tractor Beneficiary DFAs under NAADS shall be linked with the Maize and Soybean Off-takers to stimulate commercial production of Soybeans and Maize. There are maize &soybean off-takers that are being engaged currently like WFP and SNV for maize and soybean respectively.
  • PSFU under the Skills Development Fund Irrigation project for Mbarara and Arua DFA members. The training for Mbarara and Arua DFA is scheduled to take place in late November 2019 to December 2019.
  • Partnership the MAAIF Cluster. DFAs in the Cluster Development Project ares are being assisted to participate in this program. Already Bugiri DFA has secured a Maize Storage.
  • EU Project final proposal submitted in partnership with Vi Agroforestry. The concept to promote green employment options for youths in Arua and Adjumani was approved by EU, and a final proposal was subsequently submitted for approval.
  • Vi Agroforestry Project 2018-2022. The Five year ALIVE Vi project is now going into the third year. The project is majorly addressing Organizational capacity development for members, Lobby & advocacy on issues of Agro-forestry and Value chain integration. The project is supporting 8 DFAs.