Our integrated approach stretches from our structure of operation where UNFFE Apex is linked to the grassroots farmers through Member Associations categorized in District Farmers Associations (DFA’s) and Commodity Specific Associations. The DFA’s are area –specific and correspond to the names of the Districts. The Farmers are reached through the District Executive Committee (DEC),the Sub county Executive Committee(SEC) comprise of farmers organizations and cooperatives, the Parish Executive Committee(PEC) form ACE’s Area Cooperative Enterprises and the Village Executive Committees(VEC) form farmer groups. The Grassroots farmers are organized through Special Interest Groups (SIGs) by the lead/nucleus farmer. All of our work is entirely done with smallholder farmers who constitute 68.9% of the farming population outside the commercial economy according to Uganda Bureau of Statistics. The smallholder farmers face many challenges that have kept them in the subsistence farming. When we address these challenges the smallholder farmers shall graduate from subsistence farming to commercial farming. This shall in return guarantee them with food security, job and income security at household level.