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UNFFE launches a project to strengthen rural Women farmers’ involvement in strategic agricultural related Activities (SWISA) in Uganda

Uganda National Farmers Federation-UNFFE in partnership with the German Association of Rural Women Farmers (dlv) launched a project to strengthen Rural Women Farmers’ involvement in strategic agricultural related Activities (SWISA) in Uganda. UNFFE’s continued its efforts of mobilizing, organizing, advocating for favorable policies and transforming farmers into prosperous communities through a women-farmer driven strategy.
The two and a half year’s partnership is aimed at mobilizing, organizing and empowering rural women farmers in the country under one umbrella platform of Rural Women Farmers Voice. On 10th February 2023, UNFFE organized a half day inception meeting with key partners and stakeholders. This took place at Arch Apartments Hotel in Ntinda, and brought together 27 participants attended the inception workshop, 17 were female participants and 10 male participants. Among the participants present included farmer leaders from 10 District Farmers Associations, the board member representatives of UNFFE, development partners, women organizations, farmers organizations, CSOs, UNFFE management and Staff.
The aim of the inception meeting was to introduce the project goals and objectives to the project implementing DFAs, and partners. The project goals, objectives and key activities were presented to the participants and key discussions and reflection on the needs of rural women were drawn.
Generally, the inception meeting was a success with majority of the stakeholders present learning about the UNFFE partnership with dlv, the project, and opportunities of engagement. It is through the same meeting that a 9-member Steering Committee from different DFAs was selected. An advisory committee of the project was also named to offer technical input to the project.
While presenting the general overview of the SWISA, Prudence Ayebare the Project Coordinator mentioned that UNFFE has a diversity of membership that includes the males, females, young people, persons with disabilities, large scale, and small scale farmers and it has been difficult to engage them equally the reason they planned to deliberately engage rural women farmers through this partnership that intends to focus on the needs of this special group.
Sofie Weißenhorn who represented the German Association of Rural Women said that this year dlv is celebrating 75 years’ anniversary since it was formed in 1948 with an aim of improving the social economic and political status of rural women. The Association has 450.000 members across German and all are women. The overall objective of the DLV’s international engagement is the empowerment of women in rural areas and therefore the promotion of equal participation, especially in the agricultural and food sector to improve rural development, food security and agricultural production.
Dr. Dick Kamuganga -UNFFE President recommended that this partnership should be translated and cascaded to reach of the 10,000 parishes in Uganda picking at least one-woman leader and by end of journey, over 10,000 women leaders will be stationed in all rural parishes, 10,000 women farm businesses that are capable of exporting and importing technology will be established while 1000 women business concepts, 10 funding partners and investment partners will be formed. He mentioned that this could be achieved through leveraging on the good will as dlv, human capital resources and networks. Dr. Dick Kamuganga also indicated that this would lead to creating a women-led platform that will champion the development growth of the country’s economy. The inception meeting was a strategic activity for officially opening the journey of the implementation of the project and reflecting through the unique needs of rural women farmers.

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